Backstage at Budz House (2012)
Is Backstage at Budz House on Netflix United States?
Sorry, Backstage at Budz House is not yet available on Netflix.
Join today's hottest comedians as they perform in front of a studio audience. Grab your best buds and spend your daze backstage at Budz House.
- Title
- Backstage at Budz House
- Year
- 2012
- Genre
- Documentary Comedy
- Type
- Movies
- IDMB rating
- 4.7 (22 votes)
- Netflix rating
- 3.3
- Directors
- Robert A. Johnson, Cameron Casey
- Actors
- Danielle E. Hawkins, Jorge Diaz, Kevin Hart, J.T. Jackson
Watch the trailer
Check the Backstage at Budz House (2012) trailer!